Our yoga practice is one of the many things my sister and I share. We have sweated and stretched our way together from Montauk to Manhattan. And although we are both certified yoga teachers, only in desperate times do we actually teach each other. 

Saturday we decided to branch out and try AntiGravity (or Aerial) Yoga.  We researched all the various options in NYC and settled on the FUNdamentals Class at Studio Anya on west 24th street.

Greeted by our instructor Michael Becker who was both completely reassuring and incredibly charismatic we giggled as sisters do, as we awkwardly stepped our legs into a silky womb hung from the ceiling. He promised that we should have no fear these silky pods could in fact "hold a baby elephant" so off we went, twisting and turning, while being safely and expertly guided through the class.  At the close of the class we were still reeling from the inversions and the feeling of being elevated for so long.  What we loved best about this class is that we were deeply involved in working muscles some that I wasn't even sure I had and yet the class flew by.  The Squillante sisters will be back Michael, and we are ready for Level 1/2!


xx ­– ts

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