We found our HAVEN one overcast fall morning when we took the L train to Williamsburg, Brooklyn to meet up with Co-Founder and Co-Owner, Rebecca Foon. After a brief yoga session in MODO's breathtaking studio, Rebecca, who is also a Professional Cellist, gave us a private concert on the rooftop of her apartment in Greenpoint.


Get to know Rebecca: 

Summer or winter?
  • “Summer! Winter is nice for hibernation and thinking through ideas and plans, but I’m always really excited for the summer. I love the lightness, positivity, movement, energy, and activity that the summer brings.”
 Vinyasa or yin?
  • “I love Yang Yin yoga!”
 Brooklyn or Manhattan?
  • “Today, I would say Brooklyn, because Manhattan can be pretty intense. I love Brooklyn for its tranquility.”
 Major chords or minor chords?
  • “Minor chords, because they pull on the heart strings.”
 East coast or west coast?
  • “This is such a hard question for me. I’m from the west coast, but I now live on the east coast. When I’m on the east coast, I crave the west coast, and when I’m on the west coast, I crave the east coast for its culture.”
 Flats or Heels?
  • “Beautiful flats, because I think heels are hard on the body.”
 To bed early or up late?
  • “Early!”
 How did you find your way to Brooklyn?
  • “I’m a musician, and another one of my partners, who is also a musician, did the MODO training with me and we had this dream of getting more involved in the New York music scene. We thought New York would love MODO as well, so when we had the opportunity to bring it to New York, we jumped at the chance.”
 What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
  • “I like meditating and going for a walk somewhere. I especially like walking around Central Park or Prospect Park and being outside. One of my favorite places to walk around is on my farm, where I can clear my mind. I also love walking through city streets because I love urban landscapes.”
 What’s your local hangout?
  • “Besides MODO YOGA, I also have a few local hangouts in Greenpoint. There’s this smoothie place called ‘3 Roots,’ which I adore, and ‘Bakeri,’ which is a magical café.”
 What’s your guilty pleasure?
  • “I think my guiltiest pleasure is jumping into things I love a little too quickly.”
 Which HAVEN piece do you live in?
 What do you love most about MODO YOGA?
  • “I love the community, because I feel like it really filters out negativity. I think it draws in beautiful people who are on the search for a beautiful path. More and more, I really care about surrounding myself with people of integrity, passion, and positivity, who also desire sustainability. MODO really cares about sustainability, and for us, health, wellness, and cultivating a healthy body and spirit are all linked to a desire to foster a positive change in the world. Especially with the difficulties we are facing right now with climate change and environmental degradation, we love building off of the community’s energy and efforts to create positive change. Through our charity initiatives and yoga practice, we are able to be a part of that positive change.”
 You play the cello, how does your music and your yoga practice overlap?
  • “They come from the same seed. I really believe in the power of one’s channel. This channel is what connects us to each other and the greater universe. We all have the gift of this energy channel, and it’s really important to keep it clean and not infect it with negativity. My mandate in life is to keep my channel clean and to offer inspiration to others. My music and my yoga practice comes from there.”  
 What’s it like playing with Patti Smith?
  • “Patti is a true inspiration, so it is an honor to have the opportunity. I love her writing, and I love her ideas of transcending darkness and rising above to offer positivity. I, personally, do not have a lot of female role models in that generation, so it’s really wonderful to work with her.”